How to jump out of a shitty day and into a GREAT one! [Part 2]
Welcome to the second half of our earlier article on how to intentionally improve your work day. Since beginning my own business, I’ve become increasingly fascinated with learning how to improve my day with proven techniques. This blog post is for anyone seeking proven, practical advice for kick-starting your inner optimist to get things done.
For over twenty years I worked for successful mega-corporations around the world. In that time, I could always rely on my co-workers to rally my spirits. My corporate digs were always highly social, abuzz with weekend stories of hikes, gaming, booze, movies… and more booze. Despite the propensity for “meeting overload,” working with large teams made it a lot easier to get out of first gear in the morning. Put simply: I wasn’t doing it alone.
Since jumping out of the nest and starting Ansell Creative Group in 2014, I’ve had to develop an entirely new way to generate my own positive flow without a 200-person team around me. Humans are inherently social creatures and when starting your own ‘thing’, dealing with that inner voice can be a huge challenge. Onwards!
Distractions: Please Kill them
I believe that when we sleep, we get to our best-rested state once we allow ourselves to pass through each progressive phase of sleep. No interruptions required.
Similarly for work, I tend to produce higher quality ideas when allowed the time to focus deeply on a problem. Even if I’m distracted by a friendly SMS beep, such interruptions act like paper cuts. Like silent assassins, these cuts will quietly build through the day. Ultimately, they massacre the ability to inject AAA thinking into the task at hand. There is no such thing as multitasking, there is just doing one job well or doing two jobs poorly.
I feel the most enriched at work when I complete big, important tasks for clients on time.
To get to this state of inner happiness faster each day, help yourself by switching all apps to silent mode. Turn off your notifications on all of your mobile and desktop apps [including email]. Assign specific times to get caught up on your terms, not Barry’s from the I.T department.
Focus is the superhighway to feeling great each day. Electronic distractions are nothing but speed bumps – so take a different route starting today.
Meet & talk often with people who make you happy
This one seems incredibly obvious, though it’s amazing how quickly it can be forgotten.
When looking back at the jobs I’ve loved, the common thread has always been an association with empathetic, like-minded teammates who I loved being around. They let me be me. Whether you are starting up a new business on your own or shifting roles in a giant multi-national, remember to make time to see the people that make you smile.
I believe the effectiveness of this technique is related to how we solve problems. Our sub-conscious is incredibly powerful at working on complex issues, even whilst we sleep.
By allowing ourselves to look away from a problem, we give our sub-conscious permission to go full turbo. I’ve found that making time to catch up with great friends regularly is the fastest way to engage my sub-conscious super computer.
Laughing and relaxing is thus my version of looking away, which in turns sparks new ideas that concentrated, monitor-staring can never do.
Hopefully these insights can bring you the same type of instant uplift as they’ve brought to me – good luck out there.
Thanks for reading and feel free to share thoughts, comments and questions on our ACG facebook page!
To start a conversation on how Ansell Creative Group can help you with your online marketing strategy and branding, get in touch with us at
How to jump out of a shitty day and into a GREAT one! [Part 1]
Since beginning my own business, I’ve become increasingly fascinated with learning how to intentionally improve my day. This blog post is for anyone seeking proven, practical advice for kickstarting your inner optimist to get things done.
For over twenty years I worked for successful mega-corporations around the world. In that time, I could always rely on my co-workers to rally my spirits. My corporate digs were always highly social, abuzz with weekend stories of hikes, gaming, booze, movies… and more booze. Despite the propensity for “meeting overload,” working with large teams made it a lot easier to get out of first gear in the morning. Put simply: I wasn’t doing it alone.
Since jumping out of the nest and starting Ansell Creative Group in 2015, I’ve had to develop an entirely new way to generate my own positive flow. Humans are inherently social creatures and when starting your own ‘thing’, dealing with that inner voice can be a huge challenge.
I once traveled on an international flight sitting beside an accomplished anesthetist. [Try saying that 5 times fast!] She explained that doctors in her field still don’t fully understand why certain drugs are so effective at what they do. They simply rely on the fact that the drugs do indeed work. I’ve found that these tips work in the same exact way.
So if you find yourself struggling to get into a positive mindset, the following tips are here to help.
Tip 1: Reinvent your list of things to do
Something that became a crushing weight to my mental happiness was the dreaded list of 26 tasks to accomplish each day. Sounds familiar?
I would find a notepad [one of three – more on that later], and write out my jobs for the day. Often the list would become a small novel and spread across two pages. I recall adding various asterisks before each task to denote their importance, as if that made things any more efficient. On average, I would likely achieve 40-60% of the tasks on my laundry list each day. Rather than make me feel great, this engendered a dangerously negative pattern of disappointment in myself. There were no wins; only regret, stress and an even bigger f**king list for the next morning.
I was mortgaging away the potential happiness of tomorrow, with a depression-inducing technique from today.
I decided to take some revolutionary and highly radical advice from the inimitable Gina Best, who suggested that I bring it back to one task a day.
Gina phrased it best by asking me a simple question. “Chris, what’s the one thing you can complete today, in order to make your day feel like a total success?”
I began repeating this question aloud to myself every morning for the next month. Even the mere act of SAYING it, instantly made me feel confident, relaxed and ready for action.
Inevitably what began to happen was completion of not only the main daily task, but also many others as a feel-good bonus. Positive accomplishment inspired more accomplishment. Since the change, whenever I feel myself slipping into an aimless direction I literally repeat the magic phrase and can re-prioritize my entire day on the spot.
One of the reasons I feel this technique works so well is because we all generally have one looming deliverable that sub-consciously burrows into our anxieties. The end of month report for the CEO, the artistic presentation to a tough client – these are the heavyweight tasks that snowball into a mental tsunami.
When you give yourself permission to list just one task, you’ll automatically identify it first because your sub-conscious already knows what’s keeping you up at night. Trust me, the remaining 23 tasks can truly wait, because the elation of successfully completing the big thing will overshadow everything else. Remember, the 23 other tasks were always a crutch to protect you from facing the most important task – so flip the table and start with just one thing first.
Tip 2: Empty the dishwasher & make your bed before you leave for work
Inspired by a great friend and terrific leader, Jo Burba, the following tip falls exactly into this same category. As an entrepreneur building an operation from scratch, business development and networking comes with the territory. The difficulty arises from always needing to feel a sense of self worth, often during periods wherein new prospects and projects are slow or get delayed.
Personally, I found it very easy to give in to a sense of panic and emptiness when waking up in the morning during these slower weeks. Ultimately you are what you do, so delayed projects had a nasty habit of making me feel lethargic and low when waiting to get started.
Jo referred me to some great advice that he’d discovered from the wonderful insights of Naval Admiral William McRaven.
“If you make your bed every morning you will have accomplished the first task of the day. It will give you a small sense of pride and it will encourage you to do another task and another and another. By the end of the day, that one task completed will have turned into many tasks completed. Making your bed will also reinforce the fact that little things in life matter.”
Little things in life matter. Folks, I am a stout believer in karma. Good energy out = in good energy in. PERIOD. Doing the dishes, making your bed – these are small household rituals that represent outbound karmic gestures. Call me crazy, but I actually visualize ‘waves’ emanating from my hands when unloading the dishwasher and stacking dishes. I know these small waves will come back to me – and you know what? They almost always do!
No matter how insignificant and how un-witnessed these small contributions will seem at first to you, just do them anyway.
It’s a winning strategy you’ll thank Jo and the Admiral for later!
Coming next week will be the continuation of this thinking, with further tips and ways to approach your day. Thanks for reading and feel free to share thoughts, comments and questions on our ACG facebook page!
Video Production / Playables
Video Production / Playables
Game Development companies may have short or long term marketing campaigns where there is a need to provide video / story / behind the scenes footage to show to the public, keeping them engaged and interested in your product. ACG produce videos covering all aspects of the production, including working with the team for scripting, concept, capturing footage, creating motion graphics and producing titles. The key to success is working very close with the development team to understand the product or game inside out so that the right footage (best angles, best technology to show off, general look and feel) is captured.

Newsletter Design
Newsletter Design
We create content rich, dynamic and visually beautiful newsletter templates. Clients may use these to send out monthly or regular newsletters to their subscribers or to host on their website or blogs. To maintain continuity, it is important to tie the visual look with the client’s website and that the final product is easy for the client to update and edit for future newsletters.

Launch Marketing Services
Launch Marketing Services
ACG will use their twenty years of experience launching products over 100 franchises to strategize all aspects of launching your product or game. We take a holistic approach, focusing on essential advertising, branding, social media and community development. The key for ACG is to truly engage with the client, understanding their product, spending the time to get to know it and the customers mind. Often times it is the slightest insights or comments that can have the biggest impact, so paying attention to what the client and team needs.
ACG deliver on small to large projects, keeping an eye on all details. They can work with all aspects from pitch to pre-launch, launch or post-launch. This is our business and we want to bring you success as well!

Website Design
Website Design
ACG works with their clients to create high quality storefronts and home pages. We ensure a step by step process to understand the clients, their needs and how they want to express themselves online, true to their product / business. We present a highly effective, clear, logical and beautiful website that clients can be happy with. ACG offers visual design packages with quick iterations, providing all font files and delivering all assets back to the client.
Our client, Lynn Williams wanted to refresh her website and breath new life into it. She was thrilled to use new colours (white and orange) to tie in with her warm and nurturing style and outlook.

Viral Postcards – Prototype game
Viral Postcards – Prototype game
When you have a long term campaign (12+ months), it is important to continually keep the game or product in the news. Equally important is having the public / newsgroups using your own in-game assets. To maintain control of art assets, we help create custom infographics or in-game online postcards that can be shared and re-shared online.
ACG can help tie in your in-game assets or products with upcoming seasonal or holiday humour or gestures. They work closely with your game team / product team to ensure esthetics and art direction remain consistent online and in-game.

Press Kits, Crash Wumpa Island
Press Kits, Crash Wumpa Island
This product was not yet greenlit but with its story rich and beloved global character, a press kit was created to drum up interest for a potential game. The Press Kit was used to echo a potential game story, even creating real assets. For example, creating a physical crate with treasures and map inside for clients to look and feel. Who knows, maybe one we will see another Crash game being developed one day!
ACG not only designs the look and feel for press kits but will also source, produce and put assets together in a complete package, ready for your distribution and presentation.

Maestro’s of the Anthymn, Kickstarter Page
Maestro’s of the Anthymn, Kickstarter Page
An Indie developer sourced ACG’s services to create all visual and video assets to launch a Kickstarter project, Maestro’s of the Anthymn. Time was of the essence as all assets needed to be created within a two week timeframe. ACG worked very closely with the client to advise on best strategies, creating a new logo, designing the necessary headers, reward charts and graphs consistent with the game’s art direction, and producing a short trailer to highlight the product’s key features.

Handcrafted Learning, Pitch Deck
Handcrafted Learning, Pitch Deck
Handcrafted Learning worked with ACG to create a visual and convincing presentation deck for the company to present their product to Fortune 500 clients. ACG wanted to convey the same branding and imagery on their website to carry through on the visual powerpoint. Working closely with the client ensures the high level concept and talking points were clear and concise. ACG focused on keeping the presentation on the speaker and less on the words on the deck.

Kendall Ansell Interiors, Online Tips Guide
Kendall Ansell Interiors, Online Tips Guide
ACG produced a beautiful high quality online guide for Kendall Ansell Interiors. They worked closely with Kendall to come up with the right look and feel for showcasing her work. From discussing her major projects, to understanding how Kendall services her clients, both ACG and Kendall Ansell Interiors created their “Top 6 Renovation Mistakes” brochure, which also included a portfolio of visual images of recent work that she can now share on her homepage and with future clients.

Gamesbuddha, Online E-Brochure
Gamesbuddha, Online E-Brochure
Our client, Gamesbuddha is an Australian online games retailer. They wanted to create a high quality guide to use as an incentive to get more customers to sign up online for their mailing list.
ACG worked on creating and sourcing content for a gamer’s guide. The goal was to create a high quality, professional and visual guide showcasing tips for beginner players. In addition to sourcing the content and visuals, ACG created the guide keeping in mind the client’s brand making it constent with their online retail website.